Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ougon Musou Kyoku A.K.A. Seacats Fighter

I've recently gotten into the Umineko craze. Yes, I know it's a 2010 sensation; but hey, at least the fighting game is sort of new-ish!

Aside from random YouTube videos, Beast Mode and Mizuumi are just about the only other English-based OMK resources I've found. They're pretty good though, check 'em out!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

KoF13's Easiest Trials

KoF combos got you down? Hit up Maxima's trials and follow VesperArcade's tutorial along with it:

On my account with 154 trials completed, Maxima is the only character I've managed to full clear. It's easy! VesperArcade says it himself:

I'm tempted to say that Mature's trials are 2nd place for easiest, although I'm also playing on a HitBox in which QCF motions are incredibly easy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Firebrand Technology

Listening to the first parts of SRK's latest podcast, I'm reminded to revisit Firebrand.  Here's the unblockable snapback setup they mentioned:

He needs Super Skrull's assist, but I actually enjoy playing him; so there's my 2nd character.  As I'm thinking about who to use for the 3rd slot, I'm looking at this video:

I don't really care for Amaterasu, but I really like the backward and forward tech punishes with Sentinel Drones starting @0:16.  Time to hit the lab!